Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beware, Nmonster on the loose.

Nellie here, you're one and only source into the scandalous lives of Laie. It seems that Battle of the Nmonster continues. Will it be water wars or water works in unit B? Time will only tell.

I am an idiot. I relearned a really important lesson today. Life is NOT Gossip Girl.. or at least it shouldn't be. Don't say or do things in the heat of the moment. There is no winner when you're hurting others to prove your point. It's hurtful to gossip about others no matter the situation. Maybe I deserved it though. Not everyone will like us, not everyone will believe our words, not everyone will treat us fairly or care about our feelings. Nonetheless, it's on us to be the bigger person and walk away. I need to rely more on The Lord to lead me towards good spiritual thoughts and growth, rather than my carnal mind that will always lead me astray. 2Nephi 9:29-40 is a great example of relying on Heavenly Father to help us become more Christ like. I wish to live my life  so those who don't know him but know me will want to know him.

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