Thursday, November 25, 2010

T-Rex is out of control

Things have changed between the two of us, like we're growing apart.. or more like HE'S changed! I vowed for better or worse, even with his rusted chains, age spots, the noises he makes when you ride him (shut up) sounds like popcorn on drugs, and his tires leaking air better than it does anything else. Even with all that I manage to love him, but it's like he's been trying to kill me lately.. Remember that one time that you almost threw me on the highway? Oh and that one time I was biking up the point and your chain popped off and tossed me onto the ground with the rest of the bugs? Me and you <3 forever Big T. Oh yeahh and remember how today when I let Tia barrow you she came back with a massive battle scar on her leg from you tossing her off? Good times.

Matters of Life

"Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I-- I took the one less traveled by"- Frost.
You know when it's really late at night, you have your head phones in and your brain just starts churning? Yeah, that's where I am right now. Currently my roommate is passed out and our bed light lamp is not working, so in respect of her I decided I would write my thoughts here instead of on paper today so forgive my babbles, for I don't think this one will be all too humorous.
So we all have our fears right? I'm really scared of bugs and there's a lot of those creepy crawlies here in Hawaii, which is just perfect. I love snuggling up with nice cockroach every once in a while. Why not right, they're not that different from most guys ha. Anyways, I've realized that one of my fears is being single forever ha. As silly as that sounds I've noticed that I'm not paving my life around a road leading to marriage and I am fully aware of it because, to be honest, that's not at the top of my priority list right now.
I want to explore. I want to learn. I want to say I LIVED
To some this concept may be all too foreign, but hey, to each his own. So I got a call from INVISIBLE CHILDREN today and got my second interview today! Oh man, I'm still weirded out that they like me, or that anyone could like me enough to want a second interview with me in that case. I don't think I would even want a second interview with me ha. It's a little scary at the same time. There were well over a 1,000 or a couple thousand people that applied and they're only looking to take on 50 so I never thought I would get this far. It's still somewhat of a fairytale in my head. I'm torn. I love Hawaii. I'm finally finding people that I really enjoy being with and one of my best friends will be back out here next semester and we haven't been together in what seems like lifetimes for us. At the same time I could never pass this amazing opportunity by if they wanted me on their team. Where's Robert Frost when you need him, eh? So here's my brilliant plan, you can let me know if you think of something better.
1. Invisible Children roadie internship
2. Krochet Kid's summer internship
3. Back to Hawaii OR Spain study abroad. [I DO need to learn Spanish]
4. Back to Iran for a quick minute.. HEY maybe my Turkish will start coming back to me? 
5. Live in New York/San Fran and explore.

See that list? That's why I have a fear of being alone. It's only growing longer by the day, but that's what I get for being a 'jelly bean' as they call me [never sticking to the same location for too long]. I feel like this is the perfect time in life to live the jelly bean syndrom though. Stability is overrated. ///////// OK since I fell asleep and pushed by laptop off my bed onto hard wood floor I think it's time to submit this puppy in and put a snooze on this conversation.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beware, Nmonster on the loose.

Nellie here, you're one and only source into the scandalous lives of Laie. It seems that Battle of the Nmonster continues. Will it be water wars or water works in unit B? Time will only tell.

I am an idiot. I relearned a really important lesson today. Life is NOT Gossip Girl.. or at least it shouldn't be. Don't say or do things in the heat of the moment. There is no winner when you're hurting others to prove your point. It's hurtful to gossip about others no matter the situation. Maybe I deserved it though. Not everyone will like us, not everyone will believe our words, not everyone will treat us fairly or care about our feelings. Nonetheless, it's on us to be the bigger person and walk away. I need to rely more on The Lord to lead me towards good spiritual thoughts and growth, rather than my carnal mind that will always lead me astray. 2Nephi 9:29-40 is a great example of relying on Heavenly Father to help us become more Christ like. I wish to live my life  so those who don't know him but know me will want to know him.

Why isn't it weekend all dayy errday??

 4AM wake-up call on Saturday morning + with a side of 30 minutes of sleep.. and totally worth it. A group of probably 45 of us headed down to Electric Beach to swim with our dolphin friends.  I couldn't have been happier to be there after being smushed into a 'Nilo sandwhich' in the backseat with The Hulk and his steroid injecting arch rival. It was a beautiful morning with the sun rising, an amazing beach, and a random.. graveyard? 
Oh cool.. so did they bring me here to swim with dolphins or dead people? To top it off some smart cookie had the inclination to tell me 8 people had been eaten by dolphins on this sight-- yeahhhh uhh.. what?? PS I'm gonna feed YOU to them MS.TMI :)
Crush: Saw the whole thing, dude. First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..." 

Our Shamu swim quickly turned into a snorkling adventure at the hot tub zone. Let me tell you a little secret.. HOT TUB + OCEAN= Heaven. Next stop: North Shore surf comp and thanks to Devin we got some sick pictures of the day.

Back from our perfect beach day right in time for the rain to start and catch a quick little nappy nap. Ok yeah, I'm perfectly okay with that.

good night world.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

R.I.P. iPod?

Was it suicide? Was I not good to you iPod? I don't even know how to go about my day now. To top things off my neighbor has this sudden urge that she wants to be good at playing her clarinet..mother offff pearl, what the crap!!.. is she playing funeral music? 

Where is my mind?

Am I sick because I don't sleep or do I not sleep because I'm sick? There is a little man in my throat using my uvula as a punching bag. There are mucus men in my nose throwing a rave. And the space where my brain used to occupy is now a helium filled balloon ready to explode. So you be the judge..

I made a solid attempt at going to class today. Half way through getting dressed, I started getting attacked by a hot flash/runny nose/achy throat, so naturally I started ripping off my clothes.. ya? Meanwhile my roommate Katie is watching me like I'm a new 'Jerry Springer' episode. The last thing I remember is falling on my bed, waking up at 11 and woooooops missed 2 classes. Might as well skip the third one and head down to the beach, right?.. Flashback of High School. Hold your judgements back and answer me this.. WWJD.

- N.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday morning..

Freaking Monday morning, who do you think you are? So what if I haven't been to class since last week.. don't judge me. For your information, I Aced every one of my tests last week. And if homework were counted for by how many new bands you find and download on Monday morning, I'd be the millenium's new genius. Just tease my hair, slap E=Mc2 on my forehead, and call me Einstein.

In other words, this weekend was a refreshing 'F-U-..N'. Since the internet has been proven by Paris Hilton's slut tapes to not be all that secure with privacy these days, I will save some of the 'FU' details for my journal.. but let's move on the 'N'. N stands for Nilo? And Nilo and fun this weekend.. learned that pre-judging people based on other people's opinions is something I will work on never doing again. My weird side finally crept out to a full this weekend, which is not something I reveal in front of many. I hide the eccentric well I guess. We went to this secret reservoir near town that is the size of freaking Japan and has enough water to have the locknest monster and his 5 babies to live in it. It was pretty much a giant slip and slide for oversized kids.. except that it's illegal and you have to climb a barb-wired fence or crawl through a chihuahua dog hole to go to it.

A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ske Facer yesterday too! He turned 21 for the 4th year in a row this year.. Quite an accomplishment. He's looking more handsome every year and, yes ladies, he's single. I wish we got a video of our dance circle last night.. just a bunch of clean, wholesome fun. Crystal setting the example with her pelvic thrust, Morg's booty spank, Jarvie's drop it like it's hot, and Cat's roll down the windows while booty poppin. Keep it classy. For now,

Finding Nilo.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Beginning of Something Great..

Aloha, Nilo here! What am I doing at 4 in the morning making a blog when I have to be up in 2 hours? I'm proud to have officially joined the #1 stalking method. I am sure this blog will evolve into an explosion of passions that I hold, but for now I'm trying to get the hang of it. How about a 'good news' corner real quick? Just a quickie. I got my interview with Invisible Children!! After weeks of anticipation and especially this week where I thought I was going to yank my hair out. This is an incredible opportunity and one of the main reasons I am starting this blog. There are amazing adventures in store, whether or not I go, it doesn't stop there for me. I am the advocate for a change. I won't stop until the message has been heard and the work is done.

In other words, my roommates' new gag is to hide fake super-sized kane spiders everywhere I go and watch me freakout/cry/pee my pants all at the same time. Last night was in my bed, this morning was in my oatmeal, tomorrow it will probably be in my underwear. Until then.