The house rattles from the slams of the wind, as if begging for a blanket to cover its cold concrete walls. Crying, pleading.. Thinking, when will this end? So what if the wind just stopped? Left the house with nothing but silence? Would not the house then be freed of its pain, of its struggles, of the dreary cold wind? Would not the house stop its crying? The house begged for this torturing to end, so the wind simply stopped. All you had to do was ask, the wind clarified. The house, confused, alone, stripped of purpose, sat in the dreary stillness. What now? Wait, I was wrong, the house desperately shouted after the wind. Aching. Come back. I know you will only freeze me to my core, I know you'll never be any good for me, only thrashing against my walls.. until eventually they're too weak to hold themselves. I know I will eventually crumble and fall. I know it's best if I let you go, you're leaving peacefully as you've made it clear. So respectfully to my surprise and hate. I know you're no good for me. But I know the misery of your absence is much greater than the pain of your torture. So won't you just stay a while longer?
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