Countdown begins. She stares hazily at the clock as it ticks down the hour. 9:39. And 45.. wait, 46 seconds. FLASH--A beautiful smile on his face, bright enough to light up any bleak dark night. He's chasing me, her that is.. I was someone entirely different with him. Springing down the street without a care in the world. Laughing, they're laughing so hard. He's chasing her. Chasing her. She turns around to give him a smirk that says it all-- he's all she needs. She never wants this moment to end. One pounce later, he gently tackles her unto the green summer grass, slightly moist from the droplets of the sprinklers. The perfect California sunshine smiles down on them, as if happily approving. He flashes her that irresistible smile--the kind that makes you never want to bleak because you never, for a second, want to miss it. He's all she needs. FLASH. 9:51. A blank television screen, empty chairs with invisible occupants surround her, the sound of silence speaks more clearly than anything she's heard. All she has are her memories. That's all she needs.