"Creatures! Carolyn, creatures."-Jordan Weed
"That is sooooo AWESOME!!"-Jordan Weed
(Just some of the sleep talk rambles, only imagine this
being said in the most animated voices.. while sleeping.)
I sincerely don't understand how people can entertain me
so much even in their sleep.. I almost just wanna stay up
till 4 in the morning every night just to here the new ramblings
of Jordan Weed and Carolyn Theurer. Sometimes one starts
rambling, then the other starts, then they start to chatting
it up.. ooookkk guys, I want in on this 'let's tell
each other secrets in code in our sleep' club!
I even slept in their bed last night.. in the
middle. Like clock work, Jordan started
talking to me in her sleep
at 4AM.
I got my Chongolicious on tonight at the cholo party. It's weird to me how many people don't know what a cholo/chola is. Maybe it's a west coast thing? If you have not a clue what I'm saying right now.. type in Chongalicious on youtube, watch the first video that pops up, and you'll understand what it really means to 'lean like a cholo'.
These are my girls: Elephantisha, Obamaniqua, Spongebobeeshia, Koolaidria, and King'Kong'Quisha.
I can just hear it now:
"Don't be rude, don't be crude, and don't get an attitude."
Breaking honor code one .99 cent lip liner
wearing chola at a time. |
it's a little unfair
how much good music I've discovered tonight.
Seriously, I think I've doubled the size of
my iTunes.